Some are practical, others not so much. Some rare, some common. Some I may obtain in my current tank, others I will have to wait until my next future tank. Some I have already obtained, others I may never obtain.
Whatever it is, these are some fish that I hope to keep someday at least once in my life! And of course, this list will continuallly be updated. ;)
1. Tinker's Butterflyfish - Chaetodon Tinkerii

2. Multibarred Angelfish - Paracentropyre Multifasciatus (or a hybrid ;D)

3. Rhomboid Fairy Wrasse - Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis

4. Female Swallowtail Angelfish - Genicanthus melanospilos

5. Red Spotted Cardinal - Apogon Parvulus

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