Things have changed since I've last been active, with the most notable being the widespread conversion to LED lighting. Many more commercial options for LED lighting seem to be available, at reasonable pricepoints, including the EcoTech Radion and the Maxspect Razor.
The second biggest change is more people seem to more design conscious. Sleek rimless tanks with cleanly designed stands are commonplace now.
What more has changed will have to be seen as I re-acclimate myself to the changing world that is the reef hobby.
Inspirations by Drift Monkey and NanoTopia and TheDoogan

Display: ADA 60P 17.4 gallons (24" x 12" x 14")
Sump: 10 gallons (20" x 10" x 12")
Stand: Ikea Besta Shelf Unit (White)
Light: Maxspect Razor 120W 20.5" 16000K LED or Maxspect Nano Razor R420R 16000K LED
Flow: Vortech MP10
Skimmer: Innovative Marine AQUA Gadget SkimMate Protein Skimmer
Heater: Marineland Stealth 150w
Return pump: Eheim 1250
Live Rock: Combination of Marco Rocks + Local Live Rock

Coming in future posts:
- Plumbing Options,
- Sump Design Details,
- Livestock planning,
- and more!